Thursday, September 13, 2018

Besalu - a wonderful discovery

This little town is a hidden treasure which we had no idea existed.  The core of this well preserved medieval town is a wonder.

This place simply took our breath away.  It is a delightful historically valuable town to visit.  And so unexpected.

Besalu had a large, thriving Jewish population but they fled the town in 1436 after relentless Christian persecution. They left behind a mikve (ritual bath) dating from the 12th century, a rare survivor of its kind in Spain, which was only discovered in 1964.  It sits down by the river inside a vaulted stone chamber, around which the remnants of the 13th century synagogue were unearthed during excavations in 2005.


  1. Wish we were with you. A lovely spot. I didn't know Jews had baths.

    1. Mikve is only for women. They were to cleanse themselves after menstruation or there was to be no sex. I understand some women put off visiting the mikve :-) Nikki
