Thursday, October 5, 2017

Arrived at Rhodes and there was a room for us at the inn

First introduced in 1973, by law every UK travel company which sells holidays and flights is required to hold an ATOL, which stands for Air Travel Organiser's Licence.  If a travel company with an ATOL ceases trading, the ATOL scheme protects customers who had booked a package holiday with the firm.  It ensures they do not get stranded or lose money. With Monarch's collapse, this wonderful law came into operation, and our bridge holiday was saved. 

All the UK players who had bookings with Monarch had to be re-booked, which was a tremendous exercise for Cresta Travel and Diamond Bridge, and they worked their little butts off.  People had to pay for these flights themselves but they are likely to get their money refunded under ATOL and the accommodation part of the holiday was also covered by ATOL.

So, here we are at the Rodos Palladium Hotel, in the lap of luxury and enjoying our first full day of the last part of this trip.

Part of the giant swimming pool complex that winds around the buildings.  There is aqua training each morning, run by a small, trim Hungarian girl with whom I had a nice chat.

The gym.  They also have daily stretch classes which I will sample starting tomorrow.

The beach.  This is the sort of beach that when we were travelling around for the last four weeks we hated, as they occupied a large part of a nice public beach.  The boot is now on the other foot, I am ashamed to say, and we love it.

The bridge has begun in earnest.  We play every evening after dinner starting at 8:15pm and during the afternoon every second day.  This means that every second day is free to move around the island and explore until the evening session.  Many people elect never to play during the day.

Last year I won the Individual trophy.  This time I came first equal though on a count back the other person was actually declared the winner.  I was upset with myself as one game I played when I was in 3NT making 10 tricks, I managed to block myself and did not make 11 which I should have done. If not for that one error I would have retained my title.  Sob.

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