Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ocala National Forest continued

There were so may interesting things to see at ONF that one posting does not do it justice.

This is at Hopkins Prairie, one of the campsites where these lovely trees overshadow the path.  The stuff hanging down the trees is something called Spanish moss that makes the trees look like weeping willows.  At a museum back in Louisiana we read that the moss was used, mixed with water and mud to make walls of houses - sort of like plaster.

The pool at Juniper Springs.  This was the least natural of the spring swimming areas but the sandy bottom and the weeds in the pool are still natural.  They have created a pool surround that looks a little more "commercial" than the other swimmable springs.

This is further up the stream where no swimming is allowed.  You can see the spots of turquoise where the sandy bits are on the bottom.  The water is crystal clear and you can see every blade of growth.

An attempt to capture one of the small springs - the water bubbling in the stream.

A boardwalk at one of the springs.  You can see how lush the vegetation is.

A photo of a manatee coming up to breathe which they have to do every 5 minutes or so, unless resting, in which case they can stay in the water longer.  The photo is made possible by our new camera which has a sports setting whereby we can take multiple shots by keeping a finger on the button.

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