Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sights in Baja

After the general bleakness and drabness of the townships in northern Baja on the way here, the lushness and colour in southern Baja is a welcome change.  It was very dry up north and here there are more  rivers and water makes a big difference to a town.

Mission House tower in Loreto

Colourful bougainvillia at Mulege

A honey eater at the bird feeder

You can see Tiger parked around the back of Jane and Warren's house on the right lower corner of the photo.

A small private plane belonging to a neighbour at Punta Chivato.  It takes the 3 person family about 4 hours to fly back home to California instead of the 24 hour drive.  It is very isolated out here.  These large houses that people build, none have electricity but rely on solar power and battery operated appliances.  The road is unpaved and quite rough.  The nearest small town is about 45 kms away.  Vendors come to sell fish and vegetables once a week.  There is quite a community of gringoes on the shores and there is a hotel with a pub and they have a card game each week, a game I had never come across before called 31.

This is cactus country.  I am not sure if these giant cacti are all around Mexico or just here in Baja.  People have them dug up and transplanted into their gardens and they apparently are full of water and weigh a ton.

Warren's 6ft frame being dwarfed by a cactus.

The mountains together with the cacti.  It is dry but majestic scenery out here.  The mountains are very bare and they sort of loom over the surrounding terrain.

This beautiful creation is one piece of Maria's art.  She is a woman of German background living in Mulege and she makes these large pieces of art made from shells and bits and pieces which sell for over $1,000 each.  They can either be made into table tops or concreted into the wall.

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